Dr Juergen Ude - CEO

作者:admin2022-02-15 15:22 热度:4100

Dr. Juergen Ude is the founder and CEO of Qtech International Pty Ltd. He is highly qualified and has obtained a Certificate in Applied Chemistry, Bachelor of Applied Science with Distinction, majoring in Statistics and Operations Research as top student, a Masters in Economics with High Distinctions in every subject and a PhD in computer algorithms. He has also studied passively for a Degree in Marketing. Prior to running his own consultancy he has worked for 25 years in manufacturing and saved his employers many millions of dollars with artificial intelligence systems he developed for them. For Qtech International he has developed software sold in over 40 countries including Europe, Middle East, Far East and the USA. His customers from over 1000 customers, include Alcoa, Black and Decker, Coca-Cola, Kuwait Airways, Singapore Aerospace Technologies, Top Gun USA, US Vision. He has introduced the Chinese government to modern quality principles. Recently he has developed campaign software for politicians. Juergen has also lectured at Monash University in the Faculty of Computing and Information technology.

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